Hey Team!
{Gym name} is now part of The Box Exchange Network! Connecting CrossFit boxes across the country, The Box Exchange is basically your fitness Passport when you're away from home!
There are more details in your inbox but basically, as the newest members of The Box Exchange, all {gym name} Athletes get a FREE drop-in at any of the other gyms in the network when you travel!
Meet cool new people in cool new places, keep your training consistent, and engage and grow with the national CrossFit Community!
Check your inbox to learn more about how it works and for your login information to set up your profile!
That's all for today!! {Gym name}
Letter about boxex, how to use it, and give us a review
Link to Request page - Email of owner to put into form
Gym sign off
{Gym name} is now part of The Box Exchange Network! Connecting CrossFit boxes across the country, The Box Exchange is basically your fitness Passport when you're away from home!
There are more details in your inbox but basically, as the newest members of The Box Exchange, all {gym name} Athletes get a FREE drop-in at any of the other gyms in the network when you travel!
Meet cool new people in cool new places, keep your training consistent, and engage and grow with the national CrossFit Community!
Check your inbox to learn more about how it works and for your login information to set up your profile!
That's all for today!! {Gym name}
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